Starting kindergarten is a big milestone and leaves many kids feeling apprehensive about their first day. One way to help your child prepare for his/her first day of kindergaraten is to read books about kindergarten together.
Kids will connect with beloved characters, realize they are not alone with their fears, and get excited about starting kindergarten as they read these kindergarten books.
Books about Starting Kindergarten
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Kindergarten Rocks! Dexter big sister told him everything he needs to know about kindergarten, so he is not scared, but his stuffed dog, Rufus, is scared. Actually, Dexter and Rufus have nothing to fear and they soon find out kindergarten rocks!
Kindergarten, Here I Come! This read aloud book uses poems to walk you through the experiences you will have in kindergarten.
Annie Goes to Kindergarten This is a spirited and funny introduction to kindergarten. Annie Grace wears her “Adventure Annie” cape to her first day of kindergarten, seeking adventure throughout the day.
Kindergarten Countdown This books shows a little girl who is very excited to start kindergaraten. She counts down the days to kindergarten by naming things she will do like saying her ABCs and saying please.
The Night Before Kindergarten This is a takeoff of Christmas book. This book takes kids through the steps of prepapring for kindergarten from getting supplies ready, to taking pictures, to saying good-bye to mom and dad.
The Berenstain Bears Go to School Sister Bear conqueors her fears of starting kindergarten.
Little Critter: First Day of School Follow Little Critter as he gets ready for his first day of kindergarten.
Countdown to Kindergarten This little girl knows everything there is to starting kindergarten until she realizes one day she can’t tie her shoes. Once she gets to kindergarten she realizes her new friends cannot either. It teaches us that it is normal to be nervous about new things and likely you are not the only one.
Curious George’s First Day of School This is another Curious George adventure. He has been invited to be a special helper the first day of school and he wreaks his usual havoc.
Some of these books had a couple reviews pointing out that the books make kindergarten sound scary or they put fears on kids that they did not have. Read the book first, decide if it works for you child, and then read it with your child. Follow up with a conservation about the book. Starting Kindergarten is scary for many kids and they will need support and reassurance that they will be fine.