Everyone is at the end of their rope. The electronics died some time ago. You have used up all your tricks and you still have not reached your destination. The “are we there yet” questions are going to push you over the edge soon. You need something fast. Something that does not require any prep or planning. You need something you can do on the fly.
No Prep Fun Filled Travel Games
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Twenty Questions
Take turns thinking of an animal, object, or person. Players have 20 questions to guess what it is. Only yes or no answer allowed.
I Spy
For I spy, each person takes turns saying, “I spy, with my little eye, something…” Play this game with items that are either inside or outside of the car. Of course if it is outside of the car, it needs to be something that isn’t going to be passed by in a few seconds.
Alphabet Game
Take turns going around the car saying words that begin with a certain letter. The first person would say a word that begins with the letter A. Then the next person would say a word starting with the letter B and so on. Make it a little more challenging for older kids by making them repeat all the previous words or do the alphabet in reverse.
Color Game
This game is similar to the ABC game above, but is a easier for younger children. One person calls out a color, then everyone looks at objects outside or inside the car to see if they can find an object of that color. For example, if you chose the color green someone might find “a tree” or “grass” or “a stoplight.” Try to do all the colors of the rainbow!
Rhyme Game
One person starts by saying a word and then the next person comes up with a word that rhymes with it. Continue around the car until you run out of rhyming words. Some of the words can be pretty silly.
Not only will these travel games give the “are we there yet” questions a break, but you are also challenging the kids and creating opportunities for learning.