As our first Christmas together rolled around, we decided to put up a Christmas tree. This was before kids, but the Christmas tree had been a big part of our Christmases growing up and we wanted to carry on that tradition.
We excitedly picked out our tree, brought it home, and were faced with now what? Our home was filled with smells of Christmas and a beautiful live tree, but not a thing to put on it.
Back out we went to buy lights and beg for borrowed ornaments from our parents. We decided then that when we had kids, we would start a new Christmas ornament tradition.
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A New Tradition Was Born
We made the decision after our first child was born that we would give him a special new ornament every year. Besides having an excuse to buy cute new ornaments every year, this gives him 18+ ornaments when he puts up his first tree (if he wants them).
We have continued this Christmas ornament tradition with all of our kids. They are all old enough now that they have come to expect and eagerly anticipate this yearly tradition. They anxiously look forward to seeing what special ornament we have chosen for them year after year.
We put a lot of thought into what ornaments we select for them. The ornaments are all reflective of them and the past year. For example, one child received a fish ornament the year he got his very own fishing pole. Another child received a Captain America ornament, because he dressed up as Captain America for Halloween and chose Captain America as the theme for his birthday party that year.
Traditions Are Important
Whether you choose to do this Christmas tradition with your kids or something else, traditions are important. Traditions help us establish an identity, structure, and form a connection from one generation to another.
Our kids know that every year they will receive a new ornament the day we put up our Christmas tree. They excitedly rip open their wrapped ornaments to discover their newest ornament and then proudly hang them on the tree.
Then they rummage through the ornament boxes to find all their ornaments from past years. As they pull out all their ornaments, we share and reminisce about the meaning behind each ornament.
Some day I hope to have a book for each kid with all this information, but for now it’s scribbled on the boxes and stored in our memory.
More Christmas Ornament Traditions
Making homemade Christmas ornaments is a wonderful Christmas tradition too. Kids love creating something special for the Christmas tree and beam with pride as they hang it from the tree.
Once our kids were old enough to enjoy crafts, we started making and filling our tree with homemade Christmas ornaments every year as well.
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