We took at trip to Disneyland a couple of weeks ago. I knew I needed a couple of tricks up my sleeve to keep our daughter content during the flight and waiting at Disneyland.
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I saw these really cute Disney button embellishments at Hobby Lobby that started the idea wheels turning.
What you need:
>>>buttons or other small items-I purchased these at Hobby Lobby, but have also seen them at JoAnn Fabrics.
>>>poly fill pellets, crystal fill, or rice– I had a bag of crystal fill leftover from a previous project. You can buy the poly pellets and crystal fill at Hobby Lobby, JoAnn Fabrics, or likely any craft store.
>>>pencil bag with clear view window-I purchased the one used for this project at Walmart for $.97.
How to make the I-spy bags:
1. Fill the pencil case with filler (poly pellets, crystal fill or rice).
2. Add your buttons spreading them out.
3. Zip closed and either glue or stitch close to prevent little ones from opening the bag.
I love how versatile these bags are…there are so many different themes you can do with these. For example you could pick up a couple bags of plastic bugs at Dollar Tree and do a bug themed I-spy bag. You could also opt for a non-themed bag and use whatever little trinkets you find.