Welcome back to Made for Kids! We hope that you had a great holiday with your loved ones!
Meet Your Hostesses:
- The Resourceful Mama
- Play Dough & Popsicles
- Raising Little Superheroes
- Books and Giggles
In place of our hostesses features this week, we have rounded up some of our features from the last 15 weeks to feature here. All of these features would be great to keep kids busy and active this winter.
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- Fun Things to Do Over Winter Break by Hands on As We Grow-These 20 activities are great for keeping kids busy all winter!
- ABC Sort by Busy Toddler-the sorting possibilities are endless here.
- Pirate Perler Bead Patterns by Brain Powered Boy -Perler Beads are a great indoor activity for older kids!
- DIY Balance for Toddlers by The Kavanaugh Report-great gross motor activity for all kids
- Soap Flake Foam by Teacher by Trade, Mother by Nature-fun, messy, sensory activity
- Pet the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons Supplementary Learning by Enjoy the Learning Journey
- Surviving Winter with Active Kids by P is for Preschooler -lots of fun activities for keeping kids activities
Make sure to visit The Resourceful Mama, Raising Little Supeheroes, Play Dough & Popsicles, Books and Giggles to see their featured picks.
If you were featured, grab the button below.
For all my other favorites, be sure to visit and follow our Pinterest board! Follow The Resourceful Mama’s board Made for Kids Link Party on Pinterest.
Made for Kids Party Rules:
- Link up to 3 of your kid-friendly crafts, activities, and recipes.
- Link to a specific post, not your home page.
- Please don’t link ideas you have linked before.
- Please grab our party button below or link back with a text link (made for kids link party).
- Visit and comment at least 2 other links in this party.
- This party starts Sunday evening at 10 EST and ends on Wednesday evening at 10 EST.
- By entering your link, you are giving us permission to feature an image on our blogs and social media. Proper credit will always be given.
- Please follow all of your hostesses on at least one social media account. We share a lot across social media. Following us makes it easier for us to tag you.