We love flowers and look forward to the time we can plant annual flowers in the spring. Our love of flowers often shows up in our crafts like today’s Paper Plate Flower Craft. We’ve also made pipe cleaner flowers (this one is perfect for Mother’s Day) and a bottle cap flower (a great Earth Day craft). We had a lot of fun with this bubble wrap flower we made for About a Mom.
This flower craft combines an important skill with a fun craft. Kids get scissor practice making the petals for these brightly colored flowers. Scissor practice helps strengthen fine motor skills needed for proper pencil grip and handwriting.
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Supplies for Paper Plate Flower Craft:
Cost: under $5
- Small paper plates (dessert size)
- Paint (green paint and other desired colors for flower)
- Craft Stick
- Green paper (we used foam paper)
- Scissors
- Glue
Age: Preschool and older
1. Cut small slits into the parameter of paper plates. Go back through and cut another slit so that the slits connect and you cut out a small piece. My preschooler was able to cut the first slit but needed help with the second slit. This makes your flower petals.
2. Paint craft stick green and allow to dry.
3. Paint paper plate and allow to dry.
4. Glue craft stick to the back of the paper plate as the stem.
5. Cut two leaves from the green paper and glue to either side of the craft stick.
Extend the Activity:
- Discuss the parts of a flower
- Work on math skills with your preschooler and count the number of petals on their flowers.
- Read book about flowers: Planting a Rainbow
or The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds: A Book About How Living Things Grow
- Plant flowers
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- Bottle Cap Flower