Welcome to the Kid Craft Challenge! I am so excited that you are here. I am really loving these challenges and hope you are too. I can’t wait to see what you have created using tissue paper! Readers you can join the fun too. Share your kid craft projects in our Facebook group.
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We had some great feather projects for the last challenge. Lots of inspiration for us to create more projects.
With it almost being Thanksgiving in the US, we have had the feathers out nonstop creating turkey crafts.
- Crafty Mama in Me created a Festive Fall Turkey with her son using findings from their yard.
- The Resourceful Mama created a Thankful Turkey with her little ones to help them vocalize the things they are grateful for this year.
- Raising Little Superheroes created a turkey using one of our favorite craft items with her toddler: Cardboard Tube Turkey
- Do you have any pumpkins left from Halloween; create this Turkey Pumpkin.
- I wish I had saved some of our baby food jars. This Recycled Turkey Craft from Play Dough & Popsicle is perfect for Thanksgiving.
The inspiration does not stop there. Check out these other feathered birds.
- Peacock Craft by Clare’s Little Tots
- Paper Plate Swan by My Bored Toddler
Often when I think of feather projects, I think birds. Two bloggers, Raising Fairies and Knights and Preschool Toolkit got really creative with feathers and thought outside the box.
- Making Shapes by Preschool Toolkit
- Children’s Dream Catcher by Raising Fairies and Knights
- Dream Catcher for Toddler by Raising Fairies and Knights
Very Fairy Good shared these feather toilet paper roll crafts that her helper made in our Facebook group.
Kid Craft Challenge #5
For the next challenge, I am challenging you to make a homemade kid ornament.
We will share all of our ornaments staring December 1.
Kid Craft Challenge Rules
1. Link up to a specific post, not your home page.
2. Please try to visit and comment on a couple other links.
3. If you would like to follow me on social media, it will help in tagging you as I share the projects. Pinterest –Facebook–Twitter–Google+–Instagram
4. I would love it if you choose to display the button found below or a text link Kid Craft Challenge.
5. You can follow the Kid Craft Challenge Pinterest board. I will be pinning my favorites throughout the challenge.
6. By entering your link, you are giving me permission to feature an image on my blog and share across social media. Proper credit will always be given.
7. I would love to hear from you. Please leave any comments, questions, or suggestions you may have in the comments or post them in the Facebook group.