Halloween is over. We survived the sugar highs and now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving. Some years it seems like, all the Christmas preparations and planning overtake Thanksgiving.
We love Thanksgiving and make it a point to squeeze in some Thanksgiving fun like this Foam Cup Turkey Craft.
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We started our foam cup craft journey making pilgrim hats last week and knew the foam cups would make a great turkey craft using some cute feathers we picked up at our local craft store.
- Foam cup
- Brown paint
- Craft feathers
- Goggly eyes
- Orange paper (construction, card stock, foam paper…any will work)
- Red paper (construction, card stock, foam paper)
1. Paint cup brown. We did two coats of paint allowing the cup to dry between each coat. It dried fairly quick.
2. We had a tall foam cup, so decided to cut the top portion off the cup (where you would drink) and make two crafts. If you just want to make a turkey, skip the step.
3. Turn the cup, so the bottom portion of the cup is up.
5. Glue craft feathers to the back of the cup.
6. Glue goggly eyes to the front of the cup and an orange beak and red wattle/gobbler.
7. To make the second Thanksgiving craft, turn the lid so the top portion (where you would drink) is down and glue the craft feathers to the back. You made an Indian hat.